We're the ones your mother warned your about...No, seriously. We are.

Hello Mr. Man....

This probably would have been a decent photo, except, as you can see, I had to maneuver around the press photographer that was in my shot. However, kudos to this guy, because we noticed he managed to get himself everywhere - on the rocks, behind the stage...I really hope they pay him enough, because this man? Willing. To. Hustle.
It was at this point that we all started taking pictures and asking for names. The first one we acquired was that cheery representative of the Grove - Jennifer Gordon, who works for the Grove management company. According to the Grove's website, she's their Press Contact, and her phone number is 323.900.8000.
Later on during the event, the emcee was kind enough to mention that the owner of the Grove was a man named Rick Caruso, and five heads in one section of the audience bent to write that down, mumbling, "Rick Caruso...got it."


Because Jenny's wrong. I do pay her salary. In fact, we're going to take this moment and I shall explain that to her right now. While I'm well aware that there are further intricacies to the process, I'm going to use simple, easy to understand jargon so that she doesn't miss any of it. The following is an economic theory called Trickle-up Economics.

Trickle-Up Economics
- I am a consumer. I come to the stores in the mall and (you hope) give my money to those stores in exchange for goods.

- These stores then take money from myself & others like me, turn around, and use part of that profit to pay the company that owns the mall (in this case, Caruso Affiliated Holdings) rent, which is how that company makes money.

- The company that owns the mall (or in this case, Mr. Rick Caruso) then pays your salary with the money from the rents which I contributed to.

See? Very. Simple. Concept.

See? Many, many consumer-driven arses right there...

Now, if the first step doesn't happen enough - eventually, the last step will not happen at all. That is, of course, why you've scheduled these concerts in the first place. This is why you have event contract agreements with Star 98.7 & KTLA. Not out of the love of your generous heart, but because you want my consumer-driven ass on your real estate.

You took me for a joke, you took me for a child....