We're the ones your mother warned your about...No, seriously. We are.

Park A Car, Oust An Asshole...

Michael Moore has an agenda with Fahrenheit 9/11. That's not even in question. He wants us to get out, to get up, to do something. Well Mike, congrats. You got me.

I can't take the time off work to help with the goal to spend one weekend in a swing state, as suggested by Mike's Pledge. But I can still reach out and affect the world around me, even if only in the tiniest way. You see, New Hampshire is a swing state. I'm sending my parents a copy of Fahrenheit 9/11. I come from a family of factory workers and soldiers, much like Michael Moore, and if after seeing this movie my mother and father can still in good conscience vote Republican this year, then so be it. If, however, I can change even those two votes, then it was worth my twenty bucks to help oust George W. Bush from office.

George Bush II did say he wanted Americans to organize and to fight against a common enemy. Pity he didn't know our enemy would be him....

I am still technically a resident of New Hampshire. Sadly, I cannot vote there by absentee, due to the fact that my voter registration from last year lapsed, and New Hampshire doesn't allow for online voter registration. To be eligible to vote in November, I need to become a resident of California to vote in the upcoming election. In order to switch all of my residency information over to California, including changing my car insurance, registration, etc., it's going to cost me about $1700 total.

During the week, I work as a graphic designer. Because of the fact that I am, like many Americans, underpaid in this "burgeoning economy" as the Bush Administration is fond of calling it, I don't have $1700 to just toss out there. Therefore, I picked up a second job on the weekends as a valet for a high-end valet service that specializes in parties for the rich and famous. Three years working in factories on third shift to pay for my degree, and now that I've got the degree and a job in my industry, I spend my weekends parking rich people's cars. However, after seeing Fahrenheit 9/11, working as a valet just got a hell of a lot more important. Why?

Because I was born in Long Island, New York.

Because my brother is in the Air Force.

Because my godparents' daughter had to call her parents to tell them that while she wasn't involved in the incidents, she had been questioned about prisoner abuse in Abu Ghraib prison since she was working there as a translator, and the local media might track her parents down through the official report.

Because military families shouldn't have to pay for their loved ones' body armor.

Because if it hasn't hurt someone you know yet, it's only a matter of time until something does.

Because in November, I want to be a resident of California so that I can vote George W. Bush out of office.

To me, that's worth $1700.

How much is your vote worth to you?

~ Claris
July 12, 2004

The posters seen throughout this article are courtesy of what happens when the Bush/Cheney campaign has the brilliant idea of letting anyone & everyone make their own campaign posters online. Thank you Sloganator, thank you ever so.

~ Claris' Archive