We couldn't even think of a clever tagline. Move along now. Nothing to see.

Roaming the internet. This ought to be good.
Welcome to the show...

  • The Web-Fu Minion returns.
    Hey kids, Sam's back.
    and look, he's brought us a singing midget...

  • Despair.com
    In the midst of cynicism and subversive humor...
    Anya found her dream job, and discovered RTBS was already there...

  • I love my gay dead duck!
    Tamerlane finds the first mallard necrophiliac. No, seriously.
    I just...I have no words...but everyone else did...sort of...

  • Fwd:Fwd:Fwd: I made the Rapture. You didn't.
    Closet B discovers that you can't take it with you
    But you can gloat over those left behind when you're gone....

  • Sam tries to learn chatspeak.
    The he gave up, & found a computer to do it for him.

  • Now I'm a bit worried for the killer bees.....
    My brother FlyBoy makes a guest appearance in the WebFu column....
    This disturbs me on so many levels, I don't know where to begin.

  • Duct tape & psychic powers...
    Sam takes on the Office Of Homeland Security.
    We're starting a pool on which side will end up more traumatized.