We're the ones your mother warned your about...No, seriously. We are.

Chrissy - Hundreds of things that you probably didn't know before

1. My first paying job (other than like, babysitting) was sterilizing loaner wheelchairs and *shudder* bedpans for the Red Cross. I always found it amazing people would return those without at least like, rinsing them.

2. What, you're still reading? OK. I am hopelessly addicted to movie popcorn. I cannot see a film without eating it, and sometimes I will go see a film I don't even want to just for the popcorn. I wasn't even deterred when, in my late teens, I developed a corn allergy and eating popcorn resulted in hours of hangover-like agony.

3. My first pet was a 'dwarf' rabbit called Ginger, who grew to SIGNIFICANTLY larger than he was supposed to. Like, normal rabbit sized. Which is quite big, actually, especially for a seven-year old child to handle. Thus, we gave him away. They probably made his feet into keychains :(

4. My parents named me Chrissy after visiting England and really liking the name, which they heard on Man About the House. Which was the British sitcom Three's Company was based on. So I kind of was named after that Chrissy. But not really. The British Chrissy was smart.

5. I graduated second in my highschool graduating class. And it was a big school. So nyah. My brain can beat up your brain. Or something.

6. My first kiss happened on Christmas Eve, in the basement of a guy I didn't know, whose family was on vacation in another province, and occurred shortly after feeding geckos, an iguana and a hedgehog.

7. In 2002-2003, I visited the UK three times in a 365-day period. I spent a little over a month there, in total.

8. I learned how to speak really early, and so my parents thought it was funny to train me to say things, to entertain (or insult) their friends. To this day I have no idea what half the stuff they had me saying meant, because they're mostly golf-related insults.

9. On a similar note, my first word was 'giraffe'. Followed by 'George, John, Paul and ... *ahem* ... Wingo'. I think 'mom' and 'dad' might've been in there somewhere too.

10. My parents were, by most standards, hippies. However, neither of them ever tried drugs. And no, they're not lying out of some parental - they know about my own... dabblings, and don't much care one way or the other.

11. When I was 16, I was dating an 18 year old boy. And when I was 18, I was dating a 16 year old boy. Symmetry is cool, yo.

12. I got drunk for the first time ever at a pub in Leeds, England when I was 20 years old. Yes, I know. My how times have changed.

13. I can't stand raisins. In any context. They're evil and disgusting and keep them away thankyouverymuch.

14. My first three celebrity crushes were Michael J. Fox, Mackenzie Astin and River Phoenix. But I can't for the life of me remember what order they went in.

15. I am still friends with the vast majority of my exes. In fact, I only have one ex I was ever really negative about.

16. I made it into well in my teens until I more than tacitly understood that my grandfather was actually my mom's stepfather, and that there were two 'aunts' and an 'uncle', most of whom had kids, who I'd never really known. Turns out, we were kind of lucky about that - theres' a lot of crazy in that family (but some nice, too). We call them the steps.

17. I can't stand beer. Everyone in my family loves it but me. When it comes to draughts, I will only drink cider. Preferably Strongbow.

18. I spent a lot of time naked infront of a camera in university - my own and other peoples'. Mostly for my own agit-prop stuff.

19. When I was in the first year of my BA, majoring in fine art, the sculptor Peter Johnston told me I was an artist. And I believed him.

20. I was also told by my first year English TA that I should switch my major to English, and that I should keep going after undergrad. Sometimes I wonder if I should have taken her advice.

21. I do NOT love Raymond. In fact, I might hate Raymond. I have no idea why that show is so popular. But I firmly believe the title should be changed. Because I don't. And thus it's untrue.

22. M*A*S*H still makes me cry at least once a week, often more. I have now seen just about every episode at least a dozen times, probably more.

23. My cat will basically only drink water from my bamboo vase. Sometimes she'll deign to drink from her own bowl, if the counter the bamboo sits on is full of stuff, but generally, she's all about the bamboo water.

24. My paternal grandfather worked at a factory that primarily manufactured munitions and artificial limbs. The used a lot of arsenic. He developed a severe case of Parkinson's. I firmly believe these facts are connected, and I worry about my father, who grew up playing on arsenic-rich dirt.

25. I tape General Hospital every day.

26. I could happily live the rest of my life eating nothing but Asian food. I am totally addicted to sushi, and Thai and Indian curries.

27. I really couldn't care less about chocolate. Give me a bag of salt and vinegar chips, however, and I'm in heaven.

28. In my final year of highschool, I scored 98 in Chemistry. Everyone assumed I was going to study science in university. My guidance counsellor nearly had a heart attack when I told him I was going to study Fine Art.

29. He also nearly had a heart attack when I turned down admission to Dartmouth and opted to stay in Canada and go to the University of Guelph.

30. I never for a second regretted that decision, even though he tried to convince me it would condemn me to some difficult, meagre existence.

31. I drank coffee for the first time this January, at the age of 25.

32. I wouldn't touch the stuff before because I was traumatized by a job I had at a coffee shop at the mall as a teenager. The owner was evil, he made us pour the dregs of several pots together and serve them as fresh coffee, and once I spilled a full cup of coffee on my hand and he wouldn't let me run it under cold water until I'd served everyone in line.

33. I am now addicted to Second Cup's Caramel Corettos.

34. I have about five people I refer to as 'my best friend.' For some reason, I can't just call them friends. Possibly I stopped maturing at around ten years of age. But I can't ever come close to narrowing it down to one.

35. When I was 12 years old, I had to have my tonsils taken out because I developed a case of Strep that wouldn't die. For a year they kept putting me on stronger and stronger antibiotics, but apparently the bacteria kept retreating into my tonsils and regrouping, or somesuch. They were afraid it was going to turn into rhumetic heart fever or something else serious, so out came the tonsils.

36. I had a band play at my birthday party the year I turned fifteen. My parents let Paul, a boy called Dean and another boy called Paul set up a drumkit, amps, mics, etc. in my basement and play until probably too late for my neighbours' liking. The highlight was when Paul had to run upstairs and get my dad to help them with the lyrics to "Helter Skelter"

37. The best toppings on a pizza are green olives, hot peppers and bacon. Mushrooms are good too. I will never eat pizza that has been touched by pineapple.

38. My parents were originally going to name me Jennifer, but then two of my parent's closest friends had babies earlier in 1977 and named them Jennifer, so I dodged that bullet. I tend to have five friends called Jen(n) at any given time.

39. The best teacher I ever had was Mr. Switzer, my grade 10-11 English teacher. He was TOUGH, but he pretty much taught us critical analysis/thinking, and single-handedly equipped us for university-level writing. When we were only 15.

40. My superpower is to randomly stand anywhere on a train/subway platform and have a set of doors RIGHT in front of me when the train comes to a full stop.

41. When I'm concentrating really hard on something, or if I'm bored, I tend to bite my lip. To the point of pain. Which I don't notice until after I've stopped concentrating/being bored.

42. I had pink hair for a semester in university. I liked it, even if it looked odd with all my earthtone clothing.

43. I have one spot, between my left shoulder and neck, that ALWAYS gets extremely tense of I'm concentrating on printing photos (darkroom) or retouching them (computer). It only seems to happen when I'm working with images, and like the lip thing, I only notice after it's too late. Except the neck thing is MUCH more painful.

44. I was on the yearbook staff all through highschool, and was co-editor in my final year.

45. The only sport I've ever really enjoyed is tennis. I also like martial arts and anything that involves being in the water, but I don't know if either of those are sports, per se.

46. My first boyfriend used to call me Darlene, because he said I had the exact same voice as Sara Gilbert from Roseanne.

47. He also called me Sunshine. I was going through a hippie phase at the time, you see.

48. I liked both names.

49. I take a lot of photos (A LOT). Always have, but specifically since the start of university. I like having tangible momentos of my friends. I think I'm almost compulsive about it.

50. I pay too much for my little bachelor (studio) apartment, but I also love it so, so much. I love the neighbourhood (which is what I'm paying for), the layout of the apartment, my balcony, my big bathtub, my AC... I'm so glad I chose this place, even money is a bit tight.

51. I've been to the UK four times, LA three, Florida three and the Bahamas twice, but my favourite place I've ever visited was Ireland, and I've only been there once, followed closely by the Bahamas. But I'll probably see England again sooner, because that's where my friends are.

52. In my last year of university, I was really upset because I couldn't take the final-level of photography, because they weren't offering it in my last semeseter. So I went to the arts office and convinced them to let me do it independently, alongside a Photo I class. Apparently they agreed because of my high marks, and the fact that Suzy Lake went to bat for me.

53. I hate Reality Television. I've never watched more than one episode of any Reality TV series, and I generally resent how networks are using them as a cheap alternative to programming and not bothering to replace ending dramas and even comedies.

54. I am never able to answer the question "what is your favourite movie?" or even "what are your favourite movies?" I can just never remember.

55. I am, however, perhaps the only person who liked the film Sneakers enough to buy it (on VHS). I just love the way they figure everything out. Plus... River! *sniffle*

56. I actually had a very lovely highschool experience. I went to a very big school with many feeder schools, and although there were lots of different social circles, they were primarily lateral, and there was a lot of mixing between groups. Also, they were largely interest-based, rather than social-hierarchy based (the skater kids, the brit pop kids, the drama kids, the art kids, the various garage bands...). I think that made a difference. I always felt totally comfortable and accepted.

57. Junior high, on the other hand, was for at least one year, a total nightmare. I don't think there is a creature on this planet more capable of gleeful cruelty than a 12-13 year old girl. And it amplifies when they're in groups.

58. When I was in my early years of highschool, grunge was in, and thus I got to spend at least a year wearing my pyjamas to school as often as I pleased AND it was actually cool.

59. I think I OD'd on flannel, however, as I haven't worn any since.

60. My most beloved possession is my Canon EOS Elan 7 SLR camera

61. My favourite piece of clothing is my pair of fuzzy, leopard-print clogs

62. I never wanted to live alone because once in university, I moved into an apartment with two friends and they both went away for the first two weeks we had it, and I cried every day and wanted to die, it was so lonely. And now I love living alone. Go figure.

63. I think having the cat makes a huge difference. In fact, I went out and adopted my Cleio during that second week.

64. When I am hungover, the only thing that makes me feel better is a cheeseburger.

65. My cousin and I have what has become, inadvertantly, an annual tradition. Every year we do whatever is planned to celebrate my birthday, then the next morning we wake up in the same place, get cheeseburgers to stave off the worst of the hangover (and there's always a hangover), and then she dyes my hair (generally a deeper red, for autumn). This was never meant to be a tradition - it just sort of happened.

66. I once slapped my little sister across the face. I wasn't even angry at her. I was pretending to do it and then I had one of those moments where I was like "wow, I've never actually slapped anyone before. What would it be like?"

67. She got me back later on that summer by 'accidentally' throwing a remote control at my head. It was great - the battery case slipped off (which corroborated her 'accident' version of events), so I got hit in the head first with the remote, then each of the two batteries.

68. When my sister and I are in each other's presence, we regress about a decade. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes we just get obnoxious, but it pretty much always happens.

69. My favourite place in the world is a secluded, gorgeous turn-of-the-century (the last one, that is) cottage in Muskoka, Ontario, where I spent the summers of my childhood. When I'm feeling anxious about something in my life, I dream about the place being torn down or paved over.

70. I remember 2-3 dreams just about every night, unless I've been really overtired or abusing too many substances. A lot of them involve celebrity/character cameos.

71. I also have lucid dreams very regularly, and recently a friend taught me how to switch modes from passive into lucid dreaming

72. I firmly believe that everything (that doesn't kill you) is surviveable. Even love.

73. I believe in candor, and taking chances, and never regretting anything, and always learning from everything.

74. As I get older, I am becoming more philosophical about relationships (of all kinds), and I'm finding that my life is becoming more of a pastiche of interlocking relationships, and that I take bits and pieces from everyone I love, rather than having traditional, linear relationships. And I like it.

75. I'm still superclose with my two best friends from highschool.

76. I'm a natural redhead. 100%. But I still refuse to show godeater the proof.

77. I get along extremely well with my parents, and we're extremely honest with each other. We also drink together a lot, which might have something to do with that.

78. I never had a curfew or any really hard and fast rules growing up. I was also never spanked/smacked or even grounded. But I think I came out ok. I get pissed off when people suggest that parents who are easygoing with their kids are necessarily raising deviants, because based on experience I'm pretty sure it ain't so.

79. There is a pub around the corner from where I work that feels like my own living room. It's that comfortable, in every way.

80. At the age of a year, I already had a full vocabulary and was speaking in full sentences. Shortly thereafter I started using big words, and shocked by mom by requesting 'Mommy, let's have a conversation!' as I was strapped into my carseat on the way somewhere. By the time I was two, you couldn't shut me up. Still can't ;)

81. My sister, on the other hand, started speaking MUCH later. The family is pretty convinced this is simply because I wouldn't let her get a word in.

82. I don't remember my mother being pregnant. I also don't remember her bringing my sister home. I didn't really notice Katie until she was old enough to play.

83. Yes, I've always been this self-absorbed.

84. I love sending and receiving mail and packages. Back in the days before the internet, I was a huge l etter writer. I want to get back to that.

85. When I was in university, my first (then long-since ex) boyfriend and I started up a correspondance (even though we only lived about an hour apart) in which we sent letters back and forth, always in the same envelope. Eventually we had to retire it because it was so heavy from all the duct/electrical tape, it was costing a fortune to mail a simple letter.

86. The summer after my first year of University, meatgirl and I were driving over to her house to pick something up when a car ran a stale red light and hit us, turning left on an advanced green. The car was a write-off, but neither of us was hurt at all. The guy who hit us was delivering a pizza.

87. I love travelling alone.

88. But I hate waiting at airports for three hours - especially since it's never taken me more than 20 minutes to get to my gate, and I've flown about a dozen (maybe more) times since 9/11.

89. I'm really proud that Canada is taking steps to legalize both same-sex marriage and marijuana. I firmly believe that both SHOULD be legal.

90. I wrote my first short story in my second year of university, after reading Written on the Body by Jeanette Winterson. I still think it's probably the best piece of fiction I've ever written. It needs a lot of reworking, but for some reason, I'm afraid to go back and finish/fix it.

91. I am a dedicated multitasker, in both small and large scale

92. That's why I love that my career is rapidly becoming so multidisciplinary

93. I love being part of collectives, and working on collaborative projects, and fostering connections between different groups and artists

94. Photography is probably the work I love the most, but I don't think I'll ever pursue fully, because it's so expensive, and it's such an intense industry to break into, and I have so much more I would need to lean from a technical standpoint: I would really have to make it a singular focus. And as previously stated, I wouldn't want to limit myself like that

95. My favourite kind of music is that with quirky, thoughtful, artful lyrics. If that is combined with something musically beautiful and unusual, it's gold. I also like music that's fun and good to dance to, but I think of that as almost a different thing entirely.

96. I'm pretty out about my internet life (and the way it's become fully integrated with the rest of my life). My whole family knows about it, as do my coworkers.

97. My friends (and of course family) are easily the most important thing in my life

98. I love *making* things. I need to be creating something to enjoy my work - I can't deal in intangibles. This is why I love writing, design, photography... it all involves creating a thing, and even better, generally an *object*. Web design is my biggest diversion from this, but it still involves a much more tangible product than say, for example, performance art. I tried performance art and enjoy in principle, but could never fully commit to because of the lack of an art-object.

99. I love critical analysis, and I love cultural product with layers and nuances

100. I can write (cursive and printing) in mirror image, almost as fast as I can write normally



Amish Boy



CB's Boy

CB Bro




Closet B

Cosmic Bob




Jipsy Girl


*Leather Jacket

Little Sister


















*Mr. Whyt


William Shatner

