We're the ones your mother warned your about...No, seriously. We are.

Jipsy Girl - Hundreds of things that you probably didn't know before because I don't want to do my thesis...

1. I like lists.  They make me look organised.  I'm not.

2. Clutter seems to surround wherever I stop for more than 5 minutes. I'm a clutter magnet. I then let it build until it becomes life threatening (or until I am yelled at), at which point I tidy up and begin the process all over again.

3. I originally had 5 1Ž2 months to write my dissertation. I currently have 5 1Ž2 weeks. An organised person would have started 5 1Ž2 months ago. A slightly less organised person would be starting now. I'm writing out 100 random things about me.

4. My procrastination levels know no bounds!

5. I have a destructive personality. I kill plants. I have decided to try a cactus. They are supposed to be un-killable. Whoever told me that is a liar!

6. I used to hold delusions of becoming a ballerina. I am very clumsy. It was never going to work.

7. I now want to become a lawyer. I don't like reading cases. Apparently that's a problem.

8. I once thought of becoming a nun. Not surprisingly that aspiration did not last very long.

9. I love to paint my fingernails. I love the different colours and mixtures. I'm just not all that good. I can't paint between the lines. It always takes me at least 45 minutes and start at the wrong time ­ 2am or just before I'm going out. When I finally get it right, I tend to scrap a nail and have to wipe it al off.

10. Varnish remover is a necessity of my life.

11. I hate breaking a nail. This is not a vanity thing. My nails are short ­ I play the violin. I hate breaking a nail because the rough edges catch on everything. I end up walking around with half my sweater hanging from it.

12. Also? ­ It BLOODY HURTS!

13. Money does not like me. It forces me to spend it so it does not have to stay around me. I would feel rejected if it were not for all the shoe-shaped friends I gain out of the process.

14. I love my double bed. I can sprawl across it. I'm not a huge fan of single beds, however, as I tend to fall out of them if I dream too vividly.

15. My ex-boyfriend had a futon. I liked that. I did not have far to fall.

16. Well ­ he did not have far to fall! I've always resented sharing a bed to the extent that I can't sprawl ­ unless I kick the other person out!

17. And yet, I don't seem to mind if the pup sleeps on the bed. I think I can sprawl around her. She lies with her back to me, her face pointing towards my feet. I get the tail.

18. According to my mom it's a sign of trust.

19. That's all well and good as long as I'm not woken with an early morning doggy fart!

20. I like vodka. It does not always like me. My head certainly wont like me in the morning.

21. I have random dreams. Some I can trace to events during the day. Others would traumatise me if I could relate!

22. No matter how tired I am, I usually wake up when I get into bed. This is why I read until all hours and then can't get up in the morning.

23. I work well under pressure. This means I put things off until the last minute, giving myself the barest minimum of time to complete things.

24. This results in short periods of intense stress, rather than longer periods of less stress.

25. I don't know which is better.

26. I don't know if I care

27. Monday is currently my favourite day of the week. I get the day off. Whilst everyone else is at work bemoaning Monday, I get to sleep until 2am.

28. I enjoy the mocking abilities this awards me!

29. The fire alarm went off this morning, whilst I was asleep. I did not wake up.

30. How reassuring

31. I have decided I need a device to attach to a coffee machine, which will make coffee for me in the event of a fire. That would wake me up.

32. Thanks to a link 'stina sent to me, I have decided to sell my soul. It's slightly tarnished but I figure I should get a good price.

33. Hopefully enough to pay off my debts and pay for the rest of my training.

34. Did I mention that I'm scared of spiders? I can't even look at them. They freak me out. I also can't be in a room a spider has been without being completely paranoid for the rest of my time in there.

35. Did I also mention that I'm always on the last minute with projects and assignments?
  It's 10.30pm. This has to be in tomorrow

36. I'm putting nail varnish on instead of completing it.

37. I'm also thinking of completing this, even before I have started my dissertation that I need to have written by August 31 st!

38. I'm screwed

39. I'm very possibly also going to hell

40. This is just a filler...

41. It seems I'm currently attracted to policemen. I would blame it on the uniform, but all those I know are plain clothes so instead I will blame it on lust

42. I'm so paranoid; I have to check my alarm about 15 times before I go to sleep to make sure I set it correctly.

43. I check my bag every 10 minutes whilst out, to make sure the essentials are still there.

44. I have a phobia about having any food or drink around my mouth

45. I have to carry a pocket mirror so I don't drive people mad by asking if there is anything around my mouth all the time.

46. Every night before I go to bed, I have to check that all the appliances are switched off at the plug in the kitchen.

47. I always have to go back and check that I have locked the car door.

48. Remote locking means that at least now I don't have to go all the way back to the car to check the handle.

49. Paranoia spreads. I infect people.

50. Is your oven switched off at home?

51. Is your car door locked?

52. Did you lock your front door? Did you?

53. Are you sure?

54. I change the colour of my hair at least 4 times a year if not more when I am trying to find a good shade.

55. I once dyed my hair 5 different colours in 6 weeks!

56. I have been different shades of red, purple and blue ­ well the darker blue anyway. I wanted to go bright blue but it won't take on my hair without being pre-bleached.

57. I once had it black-blue with electric blue streaks. The blue was merely a toner over bleached streaks. In the following weeks, the streaks faded from electric blue, to pale blue, to green, to yellow and finally to blonde.

58. It definitely satisfied my need for change for a while

59. I went shopping today. I set out specifically to buy a certain top and some shoes to wear this weekend. I could not find anything I liked. The top wasn't in stock in my size and it turns out that shoes at the moment are horrible. I did not buy anything. I think I must be ill.

60. Or at least sickening for something

61. New shoes very possibly.

62. I applied to Pop Idol last year and actually received an audition date. I did not go. I had the option of going to the audition or having a lie in. I chose the lie in.    That says a lot about me.

63. I recently did a meme on Live Journal which basically tells you which mood you have used the most. My moods are apparently, on the whole, all variations of sleepy.

64. I spend most of my weekends sleeping because I don't get enough sleep during the week. This is when I write the journal entries that list me as sleepy. I usually am. I blame a lack of motivation to go downstairs and make a cup of coffee, or to get into bed to sleep

65. I also become bored too easily. I swear I have to be doing 5 different things at once to keep me going. I can't watch a film at the cinema without popcorn. I can't watch a film at home without either a book or food. Lectures at University made me sleep (it all comes back down to that!).

66. I sing. I sing a lot. I wont sing in front of people unless either I'm forced into it, or I'm drunk. Sometimes when I'm bored it can happen as well.

67. I play the violin. I had lessons for years. I used to be good, until I stopped. Now I'm merely bad with a hint of shite.

68. My pup is scared of my Saxophone. Enough said.

69. The above comment can also be made for my guitar.

70. Despite all this, however, I teach. I'm not sure how I managed to convince people that I am good enough to teach them. It may have involved hypnotism and brain washing.

71. I'm not into sports. I should change that. I'm not into doing sports. I'm basically lazy. Why should I have to run around a field just because someone told me to. I used to like field events. I just had to stand and throw. That took minimal effort. Turns out I was good.

72. I was also good at karate. This all harks back to the destructive personality thing. I did karate until it did me in. I think it's safe to say that the company, which supplies my father's private health insurance policy, breathed a sigh of relief when I finally had to give up.

73. Until a fair few years later when we realised I had also shattered my septum and did not know, which cost them further vast sums of money!

74. I decided to take up Rugby in university. I went to one practice. They made me run around a field... Fuck that!

75. I'm good at watching sport, with the occasional audience participation thing going on. It does not take much effort to shout and swear at the television

76. I damage myself in odd ways. For example I shattered my septum, i.e. instead of my nose breaking when someone punched me during a karate tournament, the membrane between the two nostrils shattered into three pieces.

77. I have also broken my big toe, but not in a typical place. There are two little bones under the ball of the foot directly beneath the big toe. I managed to break one. I did not hit anything. I did not drop anything on my toe. I bought a new pair of 4 inch heeled black court shoes for work and walked downstairs in them.

78. Shoes will be the death of me.

79. I like to organise things. My books are in order of hardback and paperback, then author and chronological release. My CDs are separated into categories, i.e. artists, various artists and Film/TV soundtracks, they are then placed in alphabetical order according to artist, name of CD and name of film/TV show respectively, and then in chronological order of release. My DVDs are in alphabetical order according to title, noting that films, such as The General's Daughter, are listed according to General's Daughter, The.

80. Despite this, I am perfectly happy to throw them on the floor and let them pile up, as long as they are placed back into order on my shelf when I get around to cleaning them up.

81. I'm picky about condition. I read most of my books over and over, and yet they are in very good condition. If something happens to a book to spoil its condition I have to replace it.

82. I don't share well with others because of this.

83. When I was younger my friends were always borrowing my books, so I created a little library, numbered them all and noted to whom I loaned them. I then fined that person if they handed the book back in a bad condition.

84. I was 10

85. It's no wonder I turned out like I did

86. I can read a novel in 2-3 hours. It is therefore criminal that I should have to pay £7 ($10?) for a book. I figure speed readers should be issued ID cards that allow them to purchase books at a discount.

87. I'm a sucker for trashy romances. I had certain authors that I liked to read and regularly borrowed from the library. I ran out. I read my library dry. I turned to Mills and Boon as the only source of regularly replenished books.

88. Big mistake

89. My love life is irrevocably ruined.

90. Luckily the Mills and Boons phase is now over, but the phase with the Genre is still going strong. I may or may not break this habit. Time will tell

91. I'm also a big fan of Terry Pratchett. I'm not sure the two Genres go together, but on my bookshelf they are stacked side by side. (In the correct order of course!)

92. I don't take photographs well. I have two poses. One is a cheesy grin and the other is what I affectionately class as the vain hamster. For some reason people seem to confuse my cheesy grin pose with the vain hamster pose when in fact they look completely different. Either way. Photos are evil and those of me should be burned... Now... Do it!

93. I don't like my teeth. I have a gap between my front two teeth and it does not suit me. I have a complex about this.

94. I used to be afraid of the dentist. When I was six I had to have a tooth removed. The dentist came at me with what looked like a World War 2 gas mask. I screamed... and screamed... and screamed some more, until I finally had to be restrained and the mask placed on my face.

95. This traumatised me for a number of years.

96. Luckily we moved and my current dentist is very nice. He does not try to attack me with a gas mask. I consider that a plus.

97. Looking back over this list it seems that I took random to heart. Not only is the information random, but the order is also. This very possibly says something about the state of my mind. It is no wonder that I can't sit down and write when my head is all over the place.

98. I must sort that out.

99. At some point...

100. Maybe later



Amish Boy



CB's Boy

CB Bro




Closet B

Cosmic Bob




Jipsy Girl


*Leather Jacket

Little Sister


















*Mr. Whyt


William Shatner

