We're the ones your mother warned your about...No, seriously. We are.

Moppety of the 100 Moooss....

1. My earliest memory is of a bath in the kitchen sink. Mom says I was about 2.

2. My grandfather gave me my first baby cow when I was three. It was black.

3. The rest is history

4. My grandfather has been my hero throughout my life

5. He taught me how to ride horses, gave me my first saddle, and took me to my first competition.

6. My grandmother spoiled me rotten

7. My mother has assured me I will pay for this fact

8. I used to catch lightning bugs every night

9. Lightning bugs are the only bugs I can tolerate.

10. Butterflies are ok, I guess

11. I was on a plane to Ankara, Turkey when I was less than a week old

12. My dad was stationed there

13. Less than a year after our arrival, he abandoned my mom and I

14. My grandfather paid for our tickets home

15. A freaky-deaky old Turkish woman said I was the most beautiful baby she had ever seen, and gave me a charm to ward off evil

16. Itıs a small ball made up of blue eyes. Quite creepy.

17. I still have it

18. My only reason for being born is because my dad won ³Jeopardy!²

19. I think this is where my trivia aptitude comes from

20. I have an older half brother that was given up for adoption. We have no idea who or where he is

21. My father ignored me for 18 years. Then he sent me this huge Krugerrand.

22. I told him he couldnıt buy a daughter

23. My first stepfather was a good provider, but a non-loving human being

24. My mother habitually cheated on him.

25. And used me as a front. I hated that

26. This is why I hatehatehate cheaters and liars. The lowest form of scum on this planet to me.

27. I have a half brother from my first stepfather.

28. We arenıt very close

29. I think heıs a huge loser

30. My mom facilitates his loserosity

31. In grade school I was the kid everyone beat up on

32. I was quiet and my mom dressed me atrociously.

33. Two words baybeeŠ Saddle Oxfords

34. They used to call me Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide and Carburetor

35. My real name is Corbin

36. It means ³the raven²

37. I am decidedly un-ravenlike

38. However, I do like the Baltimore Ravens

39. I taught myself to read when I was three (according to family legend)

40. I did it with a newspaper in my Grandmothers parlor, at tea

41. We moved 7 times in 7 years when I was aged 6-13

42. This is why I meet people easily, but have few real friends

43. I donıt have any friends from grade school and junior high that I still talk to

44. I have one friend from high school that I talk to

45. I have one person that I call my brother, because the moment we met, we felt separated at birth

46. He has the coolest job. Heıs a pyrotechnician. Blowing things up is fun.

47. I have been in on the fabrication and maintenance of 14 flintlock muskets, 5 wheel lock pistols, a beer-mug-breech-loading cannon, 2 smaller cannons, and an entire armory of guns designed by Michelangelo.

48. I know how to properly clean, load and fire all of the above

49. ³Fire in the hole!² is one phrase guaranteed to get my attention. Immediately.

50. I have fired out of a cannon: A Barbie, a can of Spam, a He-Man action figure, a beanie baby, and a wooden nutcracker. I have recovered pieces of all

51. I worked at our local Renaissance Festival for 22 years

52. I can dance approximately 75 historically accurate medieval dances

53. I suck on a regular dance floor

54. I have owned 4 cars in my lifetime; 3 Toyotas and 1 Ford

55. You could stick hot coals in my eyeballs and I would still never own another Ford.

56. All my life I have had pets. I canıt imagine life without them.

57. I treat them like children, and sometimes I treat them better than I treat humans that I know.

58. I donıt know if Iım sorry for that

59. I never learned how to put on makeup or do my own hair

60. I modeled in high school

61. My picture was in Paris Vogue

62. I entered college when I was much too young. I left.

63. I regret not going back

64. I cannot abide stupid people

65. I do not like to repeat myself

66. Because I am a girl and because I am blonde, sometimes strangers treat me as if Iım mentally deficient.

67. This really irritates me

68. I have been known to play the dumb blonde to get big, strong men to do things for me

69. So really, Iım part of the problem, arenıt I?

70. Most people will play trivia games with me once. This makes me sad.

71. I have a friend who people will only play Scrabble once. I am one of those people.

72. I was with my ex-boyfriend for 8 years.

73. I regret 6 of those years with all of my heart

74. I have the ability to turn off my feelings for people in an instant (friends, not lovers unfortunately). If you hurt me deeply, I will more than likely just never speak to you or acknowledge you again

75. Iım not sure how I feel about this protection mechanism

76. I have only once rejected a person from my life that I later regretted doing so.

77. It makes me sad to this day, and I miss her terribly

78. I am a big olı geek

79. I play D&D on a regular basis

80. I devour books, but I will only buy hardbacks. Unless itıs a book I want thatıs not available in hardback. But then Iım secretly ashamed of that softcover book.

81. I cross-stitch, do needlepoint, have a dollhouse that is a working lighthouse that I am building by hand, paint D&D miniatures, and love baking

82. But not baking in my current house. I hate my oven here.

83. I met my fiancée while I was working at a pub.

84. I first fell in love with his voice. It took me two weeks to get up the nerve to talk to him.

85. We dated, broke up, and then got back together. Havenıt been apart since

86. Our first date was a Super Bowl Party. He has decided that no matter what date the Super Bowl falls on, thatıs our anniversary. Easier for him to remember.

87. We picked our wedding day for the same reason. 11-22 will be easy to remember.

88. Our secret addiction is ³Stargate SG-1². We own all of the DVDıs and wait impatiently for each new season to be released.

89. Although I stopped watching ³Buffy³ long ago, the community that it introduced me to is still a large part of my life

90. I donıt get to see or talk to my friends nearly as much as I want to

91. I have a Dalmatian. I love her very much. She is a good Princess.

92. I hate looking for jobs

93. Wedding planning is hard, even when youıre not really planning a wedding, just a 5 minute ceremony and a HUGE party after.

94. Wedding dress stores are the work of Satan.

95. I am trying to consume 80 oz. of water daily. It is hard to do and I pee a lot.

96. I am finding it hard to think of 4 more things, so all Iım getting is random shit.

97. I like poutine.

98. I live in a mint green house

99. My carıs name is Joe

100. I love tabbouli (tabbouleh). I could eat it until it came out of my ears.



Amish Boy



CB's Boy

CB Bro




Closet B

Cosmic Bob




Jipsy Girl


*Leather Jacket

Little Sister


















*Mr. Whyt


William Shatner

